מערכת COL
יום כ"א אדר ה׳תשס״ו
אוסטרליה: 'דינר' לציון 50 שנה לחב"ד בסידני
למעלה מ-1000 תומכי מוסדות חב"ד בסידני שבאוסטרליה התכנסו במלון "וועסטאן" לחגוג את יובל החמישים לישיבה סנטר - קהילת חב"ד ליובאוויטש, ויובל העשרים לישיבה הגדולה ומכון הסמיכה של חב"ד בסידני. באירוע השתתפו אישי ציבור ורבני קהילות מרחבי אוסטרליה, שהביעו את הערכתם למוסדות חב"ד בסידני אוסטרליה. אורח הכבוד באירוע היה הרב הראשי יונה מצגר. לתמונות מהאירוע
נאומו של הרב הראשי לקהילות המאוחדות של אנגליה (Commonwealth) שנאמרו בדינר
The following is a transcript of the videotaped address at the Yeshiva gala dinner by Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth
It’s an enormous honour and privilege to add my words of blessing and congratulation on this double anniversary, 50 years of The Yeshiva Centre in Sydney and 20 years of its great educational institution the Yeshiva Gedola.
Chabad is one of the truly remarkable organisations in the Jewish world, indeed in Jewish history as a whole. This is because somehow it has touched every Jewish community in the world. No other group that I can think of has had such a transformative effect. Of course this was the inspiration of the Lubavitcher Rebbe of blessed memory, a leader, a giant - whose love of Israel and love of the Jewish people, as well as his passionate dedication to Torah and to reaching out to the lonely, disengaged, and disaffiliated has inspired all that Chabad does to this day. Wherever it has been the Chabad movement has brought Jews back to their faith and to their roots; by the sheer power of the enthusiasm and love which everyone associated with Chabad conducts his or her work.
I was enthralled when I saw the work Chabad has actually done in Sydney. Quite clearly it has deepened and intensified Jewish commitment. The Yeshiva in particular is a magnificent institution. Last year alone some 30,000 men, women and children took part in its activities; an astonishing figure. In these 20 years it has sent out over 500 rabbis and educators, each of whom will be a major influence in their own right. That speaks very highly to the credit of Rabbi Feldman, the pioneer, the founder of Chabad in Sydney. I say to Rabbi Feldman “Hazorim Bedima, Berina Yiktzoru” – “He who sows with tears will reap with joy” Beginnings are difficult, but now surely you see the results of all you have done and you gather in with joy.
Friends, let me add a word to all the supporters of Chabad who are present this evening. I don’t think there is a finer investment you can make in the future of our people or our faith. The support you give Chabad today is creating the Jewish tomorrow; and judged by the past the future will be very exciting indeed. So continue to give and support. Help Chabad so that Chabad can help us.
Let me just end with a little story that always summed up for me what Chabad is all about. It actually happened on our honeymoon. Elaine and I were thinking where we shall go and I had a passion to see the Alps because I had never been to visit them before. We arrived in a little town, a little village in Switzerland with brilliant sunshine and the most magnificent scenery. The next morning I woke up, drew the curtains and the Mountains were nowhere to be seen. I suddenly realised that low cloud had come down and made them completely invisible. Well, for the next 3 or 4 days Elaine and I climbed Mountains in thick mist, not able to see more than 3 feet in front of us. And when we did so, we sang Chabad songs. Why? Because as I said to Elaine, if a Jew is lost anywhere in the world, Chabad will find them.
That is Chabad for me and I’m sure for you. May you continue to help it and may Chabad continue to bring blessings to us all
The following is a transcript of the videotaped address at the Yeshiva gala dinner by Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth
It’s an enormous honour and privilege to add my words of blessing and congratulation on this double anniversary, 50 years of The Yeshiva Centre in Sydney and 20 years of its great educational institution the Yeshiva Gedola.
Chabad is one of the truly remarkable organisations in the Jewish world, indeed in Jewish history as a whole. This is because somehow it has touched every Jewish community in the world. No other group that I can think of has had such a transformative effect. Of course this was the inspiration of the Lubavitcher Rebbe of blessed memory, a leader, a giant - whose love of Israel and love of the Jewish people, as well as his passionate dedication to Torah and to reaching out to the lonely, disengaged, and disaffiliated has inspired all that Chabad does to this day. Wherever it has been the Chabad movement has brought Jews back to their faith and to their roots; by the sheer power of the enthusiasm and love which everyone associated with Chabad conducts his or her work.
I was enthralled when I saw the work Chabad has actually done in Sydney. Quite clearly it has deepened and intensified Jewish commitment. The Yeshiva in particular is a magnificent institution. Last year alone some 30,000 men, women and children took part in its activities; an astonishing figure. In these 20 years it has sent out over 500 rabbis and educators, each of whom will be a major influence in their own right. That speaks very highly to the credit of Rabbi Feldman, the pioneer, the founder of Chabad in Sydney. I say to Rabbi Feldman “Hazorim Bedima, Berina Yiktzoru” – “He who sows with tears will reap with joy” Beginnings are difficult, but now surely you see the results of all you have done and you gather in with joy.
Friends, let me add a word to all the supporters of Chabad who are present this evening. I don’t think there is a finer investment you can make in the future of our people or our faith. The support you give Chabad today is creating the Jewish tomorrow; and judged by the past the future will be very exciting indeed. So continue to give and support. Help Chabad so that Chabad can help us.
Let me just end with a little story that always summed up for me what Chabad is all about. It actually happened on our honeymoon. Elaine and I were thinking where we shall go and I had a passion to see the Alps because I had never been to visit them before. We arrived in a little town, a little village in Switzerland with brilliant sunshine and the most magnificent scenery. The next morning I woke up, drew the curtains and the Mountains were nowhere to be seen. I suddenly realised that low cloud had come down and made them completely invisible. Well, for the next 3 or 4 days Elaine and I climbed Mountains in thick mist, not able to see more than 3 feet in front of us. And when we did so, we sang Chabad songs. Why? Because as I said to Elaine, if a Jew is lost anywhere in the world, Chabad will find them.
That is Chabad for me and I’m sure for you. May you continue to help it and may Chabad continue to bring blessings to us all
לכתבה זו התפרסמו 1 תגובות - לקריאת כל התגובות
הוסף תגובה
1 תגובות
הסבר למה שרואים בתמונות
כ"א אדר ה׳תשס״ו
בתמונה א נמצא נשיא ביהכנ"ס וקהילת "דובער הייטס" מר רובערט געשייט אשר היה המנחה של חלק מהערב.
Dover Heights Shule President Robert Gescheit chaired part of the evening
בתמונה השניה רואים איך שראש הישיבה והמרא דאתרא של
קהילת הישיבה - חב"ד ליובאוויטש בסידני, אוסטרליה כבוד הרב פנחס הכהן פלדמן שליט"א, שליח הראשי של הרבי בניו סאוט וויילס, מקבל את התואר "נשיא הכבוד ויו"ר לחיים" של מוסד הרבנות של ניו סאוט וויילס, אוסטרליה.
התעודה ניתנה ע"י בא כח ונשיא הרבנות של ניו סאוט וויילס, אוסטרליה כבוד הרב יורם אולמן, שליח הרבי לקהילות יוצאי רוסיה ומזרח אירופא.
Rabbi Pinchus Feldman OAM, Dean of the Yeshiva, is presented with Honorary Life Presidency of the Rabbinical Council of NSW by its President, Rabbi Yoram Ulman
בתמונה השלישית רואים את רב ביהכנ"ס "גרייט סינאגוג" וחבר הנהלת הישיבה כבוד הרב מענדל קאסטעל שליח הרבי לאוסטרליה ביחד עם נשיא הקהילה היהודית בסידני
NSW Jewish Board of Deputies "
ואורח הכבוד ונואם הראשי של הדינער הרב הראשי לישראל כבוד הרב יונה מצגר שליט"א
Great Synagogue Assistant Rabbi Mendel Kastel, NSW Jewish Board of Deputies President David Knoll, Israels Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger
בתמונה הרביעית רואים כיצד שר הבריאות של מדינת ניו סאוט וויילס מר גאון האציסערגאס מעניק למנהל התנופה של הישיבה כבוד הרב דוד סלאווין אות כבוד בעד עזרתו לשירותי האמבולנסים של מדינת ניו סאוט וויילס, מאחוריו עומד מנהל האמבולנסים של מדינת ניו סאוט וויילס
NSW Minister for Health John Hatzistergos awards Yeshivas Director of Development Rabbi Dovid Slavin for his assistance to the NSW Ambulance service
בתמונה החמישית רואים כיצד החזנים הנודעים של סידני, כבוד הרבנים האחים יהושוע ויהודה ניאסוף הנעימו את הערב עם ניגוניהם ושירתם העריבה.
Rabbis Yehoshua & Yehuda Niasoff, prominent Sydney Chazzanim and graduates of the Yeshiva, entertained the crowd with their sweet melodies
בתמונה הששית רואים את מארח הדינער ונשיא הכבוד של הישיבה, הנדיב מר הארי טריגאבוף ביחד עם כבוד השר מלקאלם טורנבול אשר הביא את ברכת ראש ממשלת אוסטרליה למשתתפי הדינער
Dinner Host Yeshiva Life Governor HarryTriguboff AO with Federal Member for Wentworth the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP, who brought the prime ministers message to the dinner participents
בתמונה השביעית והאחרונה רואים כיצד נשיא איגוד הרבנים של אוסטרליה כבוד הרב מרדכי גוטניק שליט"א מוסר דברי ברכה בעד מוסד הרבנות של יבשת אוסטרליה, ולידו עומד דר. סאם פרידמאן, נשיא ביהכנ"ס וקהילת "סאוט העד" אשר הינחה חלק מהערב.
Rabbi Mordechai Gutnick, President of the Australian Organisation of Rabbis, delivers greetings on behalf of the Australian Rabbinate as Dr Sam Friedman stands nearby