מערכת COL | יום י"א טבת ה׳תשס״ו 11.01.2006

Taking a Break from Politics

COL presents you with English version of the editorial written by Rabbi Menachem Brod in this week's issue of Sichat Hashavua. This article discusses the cynical abuse of the prime minister's severe health condition by politically inclined individuals and the Israeli media. Due to many requests by English-speaking COL readers, we have chosen to translate the article in English. Click 'full story' for the English version of 'Taking a Break from Politics' by Rabbi Menachem Brod.
Taking a Break from Politics

"The value of political leaders and heads of political parties is a matter of controversy. There are those who regard them highly and others dislike them. At this time it is fitting that all politics be put aside" - according to the weekly editorial of Rabbi Menachem Brod in this week's ' Sichas Hashavua', published by Tsach.

"It is interesting that there is hardly a person that can explain this weird phenomenon: We are suddenly introduced to a great leader, a man of vision, brave, strong minded, a perfect family man, classical music fan, and such that has an amazing sense of humor and other unique characteristics. This person emerges like a meteor in the darkness. Since his arrival two years ago he has become the great leader, the father of the nation and has recently earned other generously bestowed titles.

 Where was this wonderful man beforehand? Has he been in hiding in his farm? Has he been obscure and far from the public scene? Was he concealed from the public to the extent that his great virtues were unrecognized? You probably know the answer: He was here for many years and he has assumed central public positions. However, throughout all of these years he was the most defamed person. He was described as an irresponsible adventurer, an aggressive, uncontrolled individual who was not deterred from entangling Israel in unnecessary wars; he was considered a law breaker that does not halt at a red light.

 Is it possible that this  difference in attitude is attributed to the fact that he was formerly on the 'wrong' side of the political map and the moment he made a u-turn to the left he has become the virtue of perfection and even 'the father of the nation'?


Cynical Abuse

 It is quite natural that when a person is ill and bedridden and fighting for his life, all arguments are set aside and everyone wishes him a speedy recovery. While the would-be critics of the prime minister are silent, a huge propaganda campaign, glorifying the image of the prime minister, similarly to the way a saint would be praised, is being carried out in order to depict similar sanctification of his political party and his policy - as the one to abide by.

  This propaganda campaign is being carried out by the Israeli media that did not conceal its unswerving support of Sharon when he embraced the leftists' policy. As soon as he announced that he would enact the disengagement from Gush Katif the Israeli mass media unanimously resolved to guard him closely. It encouraged him to disregard the results of the poll taken of Likud members' attitude towards the proposed disengagement plan and it is the very same media that had urged him to create a new party. So naturally, the media is now completely involved in a campaign aiming to gain support for this very party.

 This is not the first time that we witness cynical exploitation of a sensitive situation in Israel.  We all recall the days after the murder of Prime Minister Rabin, when the public shock and disbelief were taken advantage of to condemn anyone who disagreed with his opinions and policies. Also he was then regarded to as the 'father of the nation' and the individual possessing the ultimate heritage which should be embraced by all. Only terror stricken busses in the midst of our cities have been capable of opening the eyes of the public. These brought up questions about the effectively of  the aforementioned policies, which were consequently, reconsidered as erroneous and dangerous.

 Politics are legitimate, but they are only politics. The value of political leaders and heads of political parties is a matter of controversy. There are those who regard them highly and others dislike them. When a political leader goes overboard and radically changes his political outlook and policies, some believe he 'has discovered the light', while others consider this hypocrisy and proof of instability. The latter is the natural and correct attitude to political figures.


Acknowledging Mistakes


As the Prime Minister fights for his life, it is appropriate that all political parties take a break.  This was actually the response of all political personnel from right and from left. However, those who did not behave this way were the media personnel and members of the party headed by the prime minister, who took advantage of the situation to gain political advantage. This behavior is most definitely unheard of and even repelling.

 Many people do not consider the last two years were the most praiseworthy years of the prime minister. The missiles falling in the settlements of the Western Negev and the streets of Sdeirot and Ashkelon are only initial signs of a new wave of terror (G-d forfend) from the Gaza strip. In the past, the prime minister admitted that the evacuation of Yamit and the Sinai settlements was a grave mistake. We wish the prime minister a speedy recovery and that he lives long and realizes his vital mistake of destroying the Jewish towns in Gaza. This would be considered his true heritage (although the media may choose ignore it). 

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